The second degree is the next giant step towards understanding and becoming fully attuned to Reiki. Everyone who wants to study and master the second degree must first have already completed the first degree either in a workshop or a home study course. Students need to have been given the first-degree attunements and the knowledge required to skillfully work with Reiki. Unlike the first degree, students normally would have obtained experience, skill and a level of intuitive understanding towards the unlimited power of Reiki. Most second-degree students no longer fear or harbor skepticism towards Reiki. They are normally enthusiastic and excited about the prospect of enhancing their skills and understanding. It is often recommended that the student/practitioner takes time after the first-degree to assimilate; and incorporate the teachings of Dr. Usui into their practice and daily life, before attending a second-degree course. Like the first degree, most people feel they are drawn at the appropriate time to the next level of Reiki. Often an event or strong feeling can direct you towards this new path.
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