Learn simple energy skills for relaxation and self-healing that you can use on yourself and others. For only $25, less than a week's cost for specialty coffees you will experience Reiki energy for yourself as you learn the Reiki hand positions. How to use during a session with your own family, friends and pets. Learn unique methods of Reiki to transform lives - from overcoming chronic back pain and IBS, to healing anxiety issues, reducing stress and illness, speeding up recovery time and helping loved ones. Reiki works to boost natural immunity and healing by clearing energy blocks and any barriers to the healthy flow of energy around our energy system. Learning Reiki is a life-changing experience. Bonus course contents include anatomic Illustrations for Reiki. Join now to help yourself and your loved ones. You will be glad you did! Reiki is with you always. Receive free Reiki music with purchase.
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